Shipping Policy

  1. Please allow 2-3 business days for tracking and shipment to be issued. Shipping is excluded on holidays and weekends. 

  2. If you have no yet received your order for any reason, please email with description of the problem, as well with tracking #.

  3. Any issues with tracking your packages or anything with shipping, you MUST contact USPS for information. Once package is dropped off at the facility, we are no longer liable.

  4. Please allow 3-5 business days for shipment to be delivered after it has been shipped. Shipping is may vary due to holidays, weekends, method of shipping chosen, & time order was placed.

  5. Please make sure you place order with the correct address. Any packages that get sent back due to wrong shipping address, you must pay for the extra shipping fees.

  6. WE ARE NOT LIABLE for stolen or lost packages.